Is Cheltenham actually in the Cotswold?

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Cheltenham’s proximity to the Cotswold makes a lot of people think that Cheltenham is in the Cotswold. Geographically, Cheltenham is not in the Cotswold.

Cheltenham is a very important town in Gloucestershire and plays a very important role in fostering the economy of the Cotswold area.

Cheltenham is often regarded as the Centre of the Cotswold because the town is just at the edge and boundary of the Cotswold AONB and Cotswold District Council.

Cotswold area is one of the most beautiful regions of Britain and the area has a very rich history.

The Cotswolds are a region of undulating hills in central-southwest England that extend from the upper Thames’ meadows to an escarpment over the Severn Valley and Evesham Vale.

When the boundary of the Cotswold is been considered. There are two possible ways to see the boundary of the Cotswold.

Cotswold AONB

An area of outstanding natural beauty ( AONB ) is land protected by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 ( CROW Act ). AONB is a landscape that is protected at the federal level.

Each AONB was established as an AONB in order to protect these assets for future generations.

Each AONB has its own unique, sometimes distinctive, traits in terms of its culture, history, and wildlife. Cheltenham town boundary does not fall within the boundary of Cotswold AONB.

Cotswold District Council

This is a local authority that is one of the Local Authorities in Gloucestershire county. The Cotswold district council covers the majority of the Cotswold AONB. Cheltenham is outside the boundary of the Cotswold district council. Cheltenham has its own local authority called Cheltenham Borough Council

While Cheltenham is technically not within the boundary of the Cotswold, the town is very important to the Cotswold.

Cheltenham town is in proximity to most of the Cotswold towns and villages including the Cotswolds tourist attractions and landmarks.


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