Household Budget Calculator – How do you calculate monthly expenses?

Your income Frequency Amount Annual Amount  
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Total: 0
Outgoing Expenses Frequency Amount Annual Amount  
Add Outgoings Row
Total: 0

Total Annual Income: 0

Total Annual Outgoings: 0

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This Leaves a Balance of: 0

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Budgeting is a fundamental part of building wealth.

To create wealth, budgeting is very crucial. When people hear the word budget, the first thing that comes to many people’s mind is penny-pinching and austerity. Budgeting is not about penny-pinching, it is about having a plan for your money.

I came up with this calculator to help you see a clear picture of how much you will have left after you have deducted your expenses from your income.

This household budget calculator will do the calculation for you. All you need to do is to input your figures. You can add as many as possible expenses and income.

All the information you put in is not recorded on the website so don’t worry about anyone seeing your figures. You can email the calculation to yourself if you want.

This is a very easy-to-use budget calculator. The calculator has the option of monthly, weekly, quarterly and annually input for your income and expenses.